Church Planting | Summer at Crosspoint City

What then is Apollos? What is Paul? Servants through whom you believed, as the Lord assigned to each. I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth. He who plants and he who waters are one, and each will receive his wages according to his labor. For we are God’s fellow workers. You are God’s field, God’s building. ( 1 Corinthians 3:5-9)

God calls church planters to be servant leaders

God reminds us while we are a part of his mission, growth has to come from him

God commands us to have unity of purpose

Multiracial and economically diverse congregations

Culture of forgiveness and reconciliation

Hospitality to the poor and suffering

Sanctity of life

Sexual Counterculture

Why did Constantine choose Christianity as the new endorsed religion of the Roman World?

What can God do with a small number of believers sold out to the Gospel and Great Commission?

“Attempt great things for God and expect great things from God” – William Carey

We must stop praying small prayers and start praying as if we truly believe that God is who he says he is.

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