As part of our All To Him discipleship journey, we want train men how to be Godly men in their homes, workplaces, and neighborhoods believing that changed men will bring about a changed world.

8-Week Discipleship Study
Join us for an 8 week journey discussing our identity in Christ as men as we strive to help men establish relationships with other men and become godly men that lead faithfully in every area of life. Our kickoff night will be on February 11th at 7pm at our Cartersville location and each man will receive a “Identity” journal for this series.
After our week 1 launch of the study at our Cartersville Location, the remaining weeks will take place at your location.
February 11 – April 1
Adairsville: Tuesdays at 7pm
Cartersville: Tuesdays at 7pm
Rome:Tuesdays at 7pm