King Josiah | Summer at Crosspoint City

Increasing Secularism

Religious Decline

Heightened Skepticism

Spiritual Hunger

Appearance of a new generation

Popular apostasy and enculturation

National affliction

Popular repentance and agonized prayer

The raising up of new leadership and restoration/renewal

“It appears that a general principle concerning the deliverance of God’s people is hinted at here: redemption comes under the direction of leaders whom God raises up in his sovereign mercy in response to the deep longing and intercession of His people under the pressure of defeat or suffering.” —Richard Lovelace

King Josiah’s moment (640BC)

King Josiah’s Life & Reign (640BC-609BC)

God’s Response




Cleansing & Forgiveness + Sacrifice & Dedication = Consecration



Jesus= The Greater Josiah

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