Grade 6 - 12

Select a Location and Get Involved!


North Cobb Christian School
4500 Eagle Dr
Kennesaw, GA 30144

When We Meet

MS & HS – Sundays – 6:00pm


Adairsville Middle School
485 Old U.S. 41
Adairsville, GA 30103

When We Meet

MS & HS – Wednesdays – 6:30pm


Crosspoint City
325 Old Mill Road
Cartersville, GA 30120

When We Meet

MS – Wednesdays – 6:30pm
HS – Wednesdays – 7:00pm


Heritage Hall – Georgia Highlands
415 E 3rd Ave.
Rome, GA 30161

When We Meet

MS & HS – Wednesdays – 6:30pm

Spring Schedule

Connect With Us

We're here to answer your questions and make you feel at home at Crosspoint City

Blake Cheek

HS Students Intern - Cartersville

Anna Fogelgren

Student Ministry Coordinator - Cartersville

Daniel Mullens

Student Minister - Rome

Price Murphy

Students Intern - Cartersville

Shahil Shah

Student Minister - Acworth

Alex Sneath

Student Minister - Adairsville

Kaylee Stokes

Middle School Minister - Cartersville

Jacob Whitehead

Student Pastor

Parent Resources

Our desire is to partner with you and help equip you to raise your student faithfully throughout middle school and high school. In order to be effective in our discipleship efforts together, we must understand those we are trying to disciple. Click on the article below, “Who are Gen Z”, to gain more understanding of the generation we are striving to love, lead and reach. 

Who are Gen Z?

Click on the links below to access a resource regarding a topic of your interest.

Student Resources

Bible Reading Plans

Watch, Rest, Repeat. – God created us as whole people, our minds, bodies, and spirits woven together to form who we are. Yet, so often our practices of faith neglect our mental and emotional wellbeing. Discover what God’s Word has to say about the importance of caring for your mental health.

What is Love? – Everybody desires to love and be loved, yet “love” is one of the most misunderstood topics in our culture. The narratives about this topic that the world offers are very different from the true image of love we see in God. Help your students unpack their assumptions and beliefs about love with this reading plan.

New Creation – The God who made the world and everything in it is not going to abandon his creation to ruin. Instead, he has promised to remake the world that was broken and fill it with his loving presence. This 7-day reading plan takes students through questions relating to eternity and Jesus’s return.

Truth Defined – You’ve seen it and research has proven it: Gen Z is confused about moral and spiritual truth. This small group series will help you create an environment for your students to wrestle with important ethical questions about absolute truth.


Student Leader Resources

Regardless of how amazing the program, band, teaching and atmosphere are, a student will leave and miss out on growing closer to Jesus if they are not connected with the people at the program. Crosspoint City Students is not a program, it is a family where every student belongs. Our desire is to equip and empower each leader on our team to effectively disciple and connect with students far from God to help them know and follow Jesus.

Student Leader Handbook




As a member of Crosspoint City Church, we are excited to share with you a free gift of access to RightNow Media! This extensive video library tool is known as the “Netflix of Video Bible Studies” and has an abundant library of faith-based videos that you can access whenever and wherever you want—on your phone, iPad, computer, or at home on your TV. You will be able to find bible studies, training videos, and more for yourself and others. Use the link below to sign up for free today and access free resources available to you!

Sign Up


Additional Resources

Lead Small – Five Big Ideas Every Small Group Leader Needs to Know, by Reggie Joiner and Tom Shefchunas, is full of both personal insight and practical advice. It clarifies the responsibilities of small group leaders of children and teenagers and delivers five proven strategies for leaders undertaking the big challenge of leading small.

Sticky Faith – Practical ideas to nurture long-term faith in teenagers.

It’s Personal – Five Questions You Should Answer to Give Every Kid Hope.

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